Chapter One :Chapter 1

Emma Spencer.

“And that concludes my presentation on educational innovation. Thank you all very much for attending.”

Patrick Sheldon, the dean of the university, says, “Ladies and gentlemen, this was the keynote presentation by Dr. Spencer, interim professor at Stanford’s University.”

I can see how the audience stands up, applauding me. Some shout, “Well done!” and I can’t help but smile.

I step off the stage and come face to face with the university’s principal benefactor, Mr. Peter Bennett. He is the most coveted billionaire in the country.

I look at the gigantic man standing in front of me. Extremely tall, a wall of pure muscle, brown hair a little longer on top than on the sides, almond-colored eyes, full lips, powerful jaw, and freshly trimmed beard.

He wears a black suit, tailored. Attractive, manly, every woman’s dream, which makes your panties wet, just by looking at him.

With a perfect smile drawn on his lips and his fixed eyes looking at me intensely, he tells me with a husky and seductive voice. “What a great presentation, Dr. Spencer. I am absolutely amazed by your intelligence.”

I open my eyes wide, not knowing what to say. Never had a man flirted with me, complimenting my intelligence. It really is refreshing. I smile at his words and tell him. “Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Bennett. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go. Apart from Dr., I am a mother, and I must go pick up my little girl. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

I witness as his smile fades and transforms into a cold, dark and... downright terrifying look. I swallow hard and don’t wait for him to respond. All I want is to get away from there. I say goodbye to everyone, apologizing for not being able to stay at the reception and quickly go to my car. As I go to start the engine, a knock on the glass snaps me out of my train of thought. I look up and see it’s Mr. Bennett, again.

I lowered the glass and told him. “Did you miss something, Mr. Bennett? I’m sure there are plenty of women in there, willing to do whatever you ask.”

He raises an eyebrow and says. “And you, Dr.? Are you not willing to please me?”

I frown and tell him. “Excuse me, Mr. Bennett, but it is not my job to please you. I think you’re confusing me with someone else. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go.”

“Wait a moment, Dr. Spencer. I apologize for my comments said, but please answer me. Are you married?”

I hang my head to the side, thinking about his question. It is true that the reason why I got married is still controversial, to say the least. I look at my hands and see that I don’t have my wedding ring. Maybe that’s why he’s asking. I look into his eyes and see how they shine with anticipation of my response.

He approaches my face, wanting to listen to me. I can smell his scent, which invades me, makes my pulse speed up and... frankly, makes my mouth water. I shake my head in confusion and reply curtly, “Yes, I am.”

Then, I go to raise the glass when he stops me, again, saying. “Is he your fated mate?”

I frown and ask him. “What do you mean? Do you believe in fated mates? I didn’t know you were a romantic, Mr. Bennett.” I can’t hide my mocking tone. He opens his eyes, sighs, and tells me. “You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”

“To tell you the truth, Mr. Bennett, I have absolutely no idea what you are referring to. Now if you’ll excuse me, please, I really need to go. I must go look for my daughter.”

I see how he opens his eyes wide and with his hand on the window he stops me again, saying, “Do you have a daughter? How old is she?” I frown, annoyed by the questioning, as I say. “Frankly, Mr. Bennett, it’s none of your business. Good afternoon.”

I roll up the glass, start the engine, and leave that place at full speed. I see the time, 3:45 p.m. I’m just in time to pick up Maddie from kindergarten.

While I’m driving, I receive a call. I answer and listen to my mom through the speakers. “Daughter, it’s good that you answered me. How was your conference?”

I smile at her question and say, “Excellent, Mom. The feedback for my performance was outstanding, with lots of applause. I just hope I can impact the education with my research.”

“And you will do it, my daughter. Since you were little, you showed signs of supreme intelligence and your desire to help the community, teaching them to be better. You are an example to follow, my girl, and I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

“Thank you, mom, as always you are my biggest fan.” I hear her laugh at my comment. Then she adds. “Yes honey, I am your biggest fan, along with your father. Speaking of father, that’s why I’m calling you. Could you go home to get the tools he lent to your husband? He says he needs them urgently.”

“Mom, I’m on my way to pick up Maddie. Can it be later?”

My mother is silent for a moment, then she says. “Why didn’t I pick her up? I’m very close to the kindergarten and we can have tea afterwards. What do you think about my idea?”

I frown and ask her. “Don’t you mind picking her up?”

“Honey, how could it bother me? She is my granddaughter; she is my only granddaughter.”

I sigh at her words and know that she has used my only granddaughter card. I answered her. “Okay, I’ll go to the house to get the tools. See you in a bit, mom. I love you.”

“And I love you too, darling.” We both cut off communication.

I sigh, stop, signal, and change lanes to head home. The trip goes quickly, since it is still early, and there’s no traffic currently. I park at the entrance of the house within the neighborhood, High Valley. I got out of the car and walked towards the door.

I enter the house, close the door, and leave the keys on the table in the hallway. Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks. My eyes scan the place, stopping at the staircase.

Women’s clothing that is not mine is strewn along the scale. I follow the path and see that it is heading up. I feel like there is a storm of emotions in my stomach. I want to cry, scream, smash his face, because I know that once I get to the top and see what I must see, my life will change drastically.

I slowly climb the stairs, feeling the bile rise in my throat. I reach the door to my room, which is wide open. My heart beats a mile an hour and my breathing goes just as fast.

I stop before entering as I hear a woman shout, “yes, yes, like this, give it to me the way I like it! Yes, you are the best, darling. Yes, put your monumental cock in me, yes, do it, hard, harder!”

The fucking cunt thinks she’s in an XXX movie and I know that it’s fake, because is no way Albert is that good in bed. Instant fury floods through me. I walk a couple of steps and there I see them.

Albert is fucking her in my bed, doggy style. I stare at them, stunned, totally bewildered, while the woman says. “Oh, my love, tell me you love me, tell me! I need to hear you saying! I’m cumming!” He yells at her, “I love you, Annie!”

I take a deep breath, so that I can calm my anger and say it devoid of any emotion. “How good it is to know that you love her. It would be a total waste to end our marriage, just for the heat of the moment.”

I see how Albert turns around and they both scream, covering their bodies with the sheets. With my sheets, you fucking sons of bitches.

Albert says. “My love, what are you doing here? Don’t believe what you heard, honey. It is you whom I love.” I see the woman’s reaction, and I recognize her as his secretary. And the pity I feel for her helps mitigate my anger.

“And you think I’m an idiot? How long have you been fucking your secretary? Damn hypocrite! You know what? Leave it that way. I’m out of here.”

I walk through the room and take out my suitcase. There’s no way am I staying in this house, knowing that the bastard fucked his lover IN MY BED!

Albert gets up, gets dressed, begging for forgiveness. I don’t listen to his pathetic excuses. I fill the suitcase with the essential things for me and Maddie and, without further delay, I leave the house I once called home.

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